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Hello to whoever is reading this… Welcome to my World Race Blog! 


I knew I ‘d be able to say that one day but it took almost 3 years after hearing about the race until I felt God nudge my heart and say, “Its time to apply”. I currently live in Boston, MA and have been since August of 2017. Boston is where I found Jesus and started having a personal relationship with him.

Backtrack to the first 23 years of my life where I was born and raised in a small Texas town called Uvalde. I was raised up in the Catholic Church and spent my childhood in a pew with my uncle and grandpa by my side. I received the sacraments of Baptism, communion, confirmation all in the Catholic church by the time I graduated from high school. It was all I knew. I never felt like I fully connected to the church in this setting. Every Sunday morning it was where I spent my time but that never continued into the other days of the week. 

It was always apparent to me that I loved serving people. From people in my family, to my friends and strangers. I enjoyed helping people as much as I could. In college, I studied abroad and spent a semester in Rome, Italy. This is where I got bit by the travel bug. After graduating college, I served with AmeriCorps NCCC and spent 10 months traveling the country doing disaster relief work. When I was finishing this up I knew I still wasn’t ready to go back to Texas so I found another program in Boston. Looking back I made the decision to move so quickly, without second guessing it and now I know that was lead totally by the Holy Spirit. 

God has grown me tremendously since moving to Boston! I found a church that felt like home even though I did not know a single person when I walked into a YMCA gym that Sunday. I was baptized on November 4, 2018 and have grown in spiritual community I never knew was possible. Over my time in Boston God has encouraged and grown the servants heart that he has blessed me with. So much so that now I am taking on this journey to bring the Gospel to people all over the world by serving them and telling them about Jesus. 

I hope that my blog entries will do some justice in sharing what I know God is going to be doing while I prepare for the race and while I’m on it! The places my team and I will be going to are: Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, South Asia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Spain, Chile, Uruguay and Argentina! 

Thank you for reading and following along! Prayers in this time throughout the next two years are greatly needed and appreciated. I hope that I can be growing in hearing and listening to Gods voice, his word, my prayer life and so much more I’m sure he’s waiting to reveal. 



One response to “About Me”

  1. My goodness, I am so lucky to be on the same battlefield as you. Can’t wait to see the Spirit in you move this prep year!