
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Some people are familiar with Bible Stories they heard as children. The famous ones that are played out or made into crafts in Vacation Bible School every summer. As you read this, one may have come to your mind. Was it Noah’s Ark? Or maybe it was Jonah getting swallowed up by a whale? What about the story of the boys who God saved out of a fiery furnace? 


Last month I went back to read the book of Daniel. This is where we find the famous bible story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who were thrown in a fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. They were thrown into the fire because they would not serve his Gods or the golden image he set up. I’ve been familiar with this story and yet this time the next few verses stood out like never before. 


“Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, “Oh Nebuchadnezzar we have no need to answer you in this matter. If this be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand, o King, But if Not, be it known to you, O King, that we will not serve your Gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” -Daniel 3:16-18


These boys are saying to a ruling king at the time that their God:

“Is able” to deliver them…

He “will” deliver them…

“But if not” they still wont worship King Nebuchadnezzar. 


These boys TRUST that God will save them from this fiery furnace. They KNOW he can do it. BUT IF NOT… they will still worship him.  They will continue to worship God over any false idols or false Gods King Nebuchadnezzar has.They are about to be PUT INTO A FIRERY FURNACE AND THIS IS THEIR RESPONSE. 


I re-Read this small chunk of verses multiple times as Holy Spirit jolted my heart. Everyday I chat with God about things on my heart, some small some big. If none of those things I prayed about turned out the way I wanted them to or how I expected they should, would I still worship God? If the deepest desires of my heart that only God knows were never fulfilled the way I wanted them to be, would I still worship Him? If my faith was put to the test one day, like these boys, in the most extreme way, would I turn away from false Gods like they did? 


A couple of weeks later we had a chat with a mentor who taught at our training camp in January. With this huge revelation of “But if not” still on my heart one of her points stood out so much it brought me to tears. She said, “Be Obedient without Expectations”. 


My life as a child of God is about more than how many good deeds I can do, how much money I can donate or how kind I can be. All that (AND SO MUCH MORE) are by-products of living in relationship with God. Being obedient EVERY. SINGLE. DAY to do or say what my Heavenly Father and his Holy Spirit want me to… that’s where the fruit and joy comes from. Sometimes the things he asks me to do can be hard, like leaving the comfort of my life in America for an 11 month mission trip overseas. Sometimes the things he asks me to do can be simple like, “Ask that man if you can pray for his knee and that’s it” and I’m like but wait will you heal him right then? Let me go back and pray just one more time. Sometimes he asks me to do “mundane” things like smile, say Hola or ask a stranger for directions. (this one has such a good story with it… stay tuned!) 


The scenarios of my life both big and small could turn out in an array of different ways. Some may turn out how I think or want them to and some may not. Still, I am called to be obedient to the Lord. 


What are some things in your life you are hoping for? Praying for? If those didn’t turn out the way you expected them to, would you still worship God?

I’m praying for you and myself a “But If Not“ foundation. That our relationship with our Heavenly Father isn’t based on works, good deeds, or how many prayers can be answered the way WE WANT them to be. Instead, I’m praying for a foundation built on Obedience without expectations and a “But If Not“ faith that worships Him unconditionally. 


– Cyntya 


8 responses to “But If Not…”

  1. So good Cyntya, thank you for sharing this! This is so hard but so rewarding as God truly does honor our obedience. Love you!!

  2. Beautifully written as always. Your words really struck a chord and I know they are from God. Thank you. I love you and miss you a lot!

  3. SO. FREAKING. GOOD. You are so encouraging and constantly challenging me in my walk with God. The wisdom and hunger for more that God has placed inside you never ceases to fail and leaves such a strong mark of the “but if not” life.

  4. Yaaass Sister!!
    I love this story, thank you for the reminder!! Looking forward to hearing the story about asking for directions!!

  5. This was a beautiful read! Thank you for bringing a message from God to our hearts and minds. Best wishes on your travels!!